Backing The Next Generation Of Owner-Operators

The Operator Network is a community that engages, enables and inspires future small business owner-operators in America.
Apply for the Operator Network
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First Name:
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Where are you currently on your path towards ownership:
Need Buy-side Advising (available now) because I am actively searching for a business
Planning to buy within 12 months- Interested in resources and being part of the SMB community
Early days and just exploring SMB ownership
Own a business and looking for ongoing community and support
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The Operator Network

For those navigating an acquisition, we understand the process can be daunting. We're here to serve as your trusted guide and support your efforts with our Operator Membership services.

Become An Elite Operator

So you've decided to commit to becoming an Operator and now want to invest in the craft. If you want to test your grit, develop yourself with the skills and knowledge to own and operate a business, and become a highly respected leader in your community, consider FORGE.

The Operator Network runs only a few FORGE programs a year - It’s our most immersive Operator development program.
This is not for everyone. If you value smaller group settings, experiences that hold you accountable and being around the grit of others who are on the same path… This might be your calling.
Apply for FORGE

Meet the Team

Joseph Cabrera

A West Point graduate and Texas Business Hall of Fame member, Joseph joins Mainshares after a decorated career serving our country and leading teams in the private sector. The son of a small business owner, Joseph cares deeply about the impact of business ownership on our country.

Cameron Sorsby

Cameron became an entrepreneur when he bought out the founder of his previous company, taking the reins for 5+ years. With a decade of experience in professional development education, Cameron is dedicated to helping others pursue what makes them come alive and is excited to continue that mission.

Christian Robinson

Christian supports buy-side representation and admissions. He joined Mainshares after working at a business brokerage, where he advised business owners seeking an exit. A former varsity baseball player at Stanford, Christian is excited about building a high-performance network of SMB operators.

Meet the Advisors

Patrick Pullan

Founder of Blue Ribbon Cooling & Heating, a leading HVAC and electrical provider to Central Texas. He's expanded his business through acquisitions of smaller mom and pops. Recently, he’s launched an in-house academy to train techs and employees.

Gary Greenwald

Gary served as the CTO at TD Ameritrade before starting Annapolis AutoTech, a general automotive repair shop located in Annapolis, MD. Gary sold AutoTech about two years ago and has now relocated to Florida!

Chris DeLeenheer

Chris owns one of the largest locksmith companies in the U.S., has a portfolio of student housing properties, and acquires MEP contracting firms. His wife has launched a private K-12 school in Waco, which now serves over 450 students.
What is the Operator Network?
Normally the bottleneck on transactions is the lender or the speed at which the seller moves. The actual capital raise takes around 4-6 weeks, including due diligence, crafting the offering, engaging investors and collecting commitments.
Who should apply?
Normally the bottleneck on transactions is the lender or the speed at which the seller moves. The actual capital raise takes around 4-6 weeks, including due diligence, crafting the offering, engaging investors and collecting commitments.
What is the cost?
Normally the bottleneck on transactions is the lender or the speed at which the seller moves. The actual capital raise takes around 4-6 weeks, including due diligence, crafting the offering, engaging investors and collecting commitments.
What is included in membership?
Normally the bottleneck on transactions is the lender or the speed at which the seller moves. The actual capital raise takes around 4-6 weeks, including due diligence, crafting the offering, engaging investors and collecting commitments.
What are Mainshares' core values?
Normally the bottleneck on transactions is the lender or the speed at which the seller moves. The actual capital raise takes around 4-6 weeks, including due diligence, crafting the offering, engaging investors and collecting commitments.
Do I receive any capital as part of being in the program?
Normally the bottleneck on transactions is the lender or the speed at which the seller moves. The actual capital raise takes around 4-6 weeks, including due diligence, crafting the offering, engaging investors and collecting commitments.